Estudiantes de maestría

Ing. Yasmani González Cárdenas
Thesis: Collaborative control of a group of non-holonomic robots in a Leader-follower configuration.
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco Ronay López Estrada
International fellowship

Ing. Luis Daniel López Cansino
Thesis: Path following control of omnidirectional mobile robots with Mecanum wheels
Supervisor: Dr. Samuel Gómez Peñate

Ing. Luis Adán Sánchez Mejía
Thesis: Adaptive observer for position estimation using acceleration measurements
Supervisor: Dr. Ildeberto de los Santos Ruiz

Ing. Jesús Cabrera García
Thesis: State-of-charge estimation of lithium batteries of an electric warehouse vehicle.
Supervisor: M. C. José Ángel Zepeda Hernández / Dr. Jesús Manuel Pérez López

Ing. Francisco Molina Santiago
Thesis: Autonomous navigation of a differential-drive robot in a warehouse environment
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco Ronay López Estrada

Ing. Víctor David Castillo González
Thesis: Integral sliding mode control of a 3DOF overhead crane
Supervisor: Dr. Samuel Gómez Peñate
International fellowship

Ing. Leonardo Gómez Coronel
Thesis: Digital twin for diagnosis and control of a hydraulic system
Supervisor: Dr. Ildeberto de los Santos Ruiz / Dra. Flor Lizeth Torres Ortíz.

Ing. Hugo Ancheyta López
Thesis: Fault estimation of rotor faults of an unmanned aerial vehicle by mean of PI observers
Supervisor: Dr. Samuel Gómez Peñate

Ing. Alejandro Alvarado Algarín
Thesis: Design and dynamic parameterization of a 1/10 scale electric vehicle.
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco Ronay López Estrada/ Prof. Vicenc Puig

Ing. Marya Johara Márquez Zepeda
Thesis: Indoor CO2 concentration monitoring and forecasting by deep learning
Supervisor: Dr. Ildeberto de los Santos Ruiz/ M.C. Esvan de Jesús Pérez Pérez

Ing. Pedro Antonio Liy
Thesis: Leak diagnosis in water distribution networks through spatial interpolation of pressures
Supervisor: Dr. Ildeberto de los Santos-Ruiz

Ing. Pedro Gasga García
Thesis: Robust control of a helicopter unmanned aerial vehicle with suspended payload
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco Ronay López Estrada

Ing. Francisco Rodríguez Sánchez
Thesis: Dynamic characterization of 3DOF mechanical crane
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco Ronay López Estrada

Ing. Abner David Sánchez Jiménez
Thesis: Modeling of hydraulic distribution networks using Graph Theory and Hamiltonian formalism
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada

Ing. Iván Oliver Morales González
Thesis: Pressure sensors placement in water distribution networks
Supervisor: Ms.C Ildeberto de los Santos-Ruiz

Thesis: Collaborative control of mobile vehicles using convex techniques
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada / Dr. Vicenç Puig Cayuela
International fellowship

Ing. Luis Alejandro Méndez López
Thesis: Detección de y localización de fallas an actuadores de cuadrotores mediante un enfoque combinano de PCA y RNA
Supervisors: Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada/ Ildeberto de los Santos Ruíz

Ing. Antonio de Jesus Jimenez Mendoza
Thesis: Control de un vehículo eléctrico con redes neuronales artificiales.
Supervisor: Ms C.José Ángel Zepeda Hernández

Ing. Oscar de los Santos Estudillo
Thesis: Control tolerante a fallas de una grúa de tres grados de libertad mediante técnicas Takagi-Sugeno.
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada

Ing. Arleth Cano Vázquez
Thesis: Estimation of demands in water distribution networks with unknown input observers
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada /Dra. Flor Lizeth Torres Ortiz
Project: CONACYT PN2016/3595

Ing. Noé Moisés Luna Aguilar
Thesis: Diseño de un freno regenerativo para motor tipo brushless
Supervisor: MsC. José Ángel Zepeda Hernández

Ing. Luis Beltran Farrera Díaz
Thesis: Fault Tolerant Control For Multiagent Convex Systems.
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada/ Dr. Mohammed Chadli

Ing. Esvan de Jesús Pérez Pérez
Thesis: Fault diagnosis in pipeline by artificial neuronal networks techniques
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada/ Dra. Lizeth Torres

Ing. Roberto Bermudez Hernández
Thesis: Pipeline leak diagnosis by considering an extended Kalman Filter
Supervisor: Dr. Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada