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Pérez-Pérez, E.J., López-Estrada, F.R., Valencia-Palomo, G., Torres, L., Puig, V. and Mina-Antonio, J.D., 2021. Leak diagnosis in pipelines using a combined artificial neural network approach. Control Engineering Practice, 107, p.104677.

Guzman, J., López-Estrada, F.R., Estrada-Manzo, V. and Valencia-Palomo, G., 2021. Actuator fault estimation based on a proportional-integral observer with nonquadratic Lyapunov functions. International Journal of Systems Science, pp.1-14.

Santos-Ruiz, I., López-Estrada, F.R., Puig, V., Torres, F.L., Valencia-Palomo, G. and Gómez-Peñate, S., 2021. Optimal Estimation of the Roughness Coefficient and Friction Factor of a Pipeline. Journal of Fluids Engineering.


Gómez‐Peñate, S., López‐Estrada, F.R., Valencia‐Palomo, G., Rotondo, D. and Guerrero‐Sánchez, M.E., 2020. Actuator and sensor fault estimation based on a proportional multiple‐integral sliding mode observer for linear parameter varying systems with inexact scheduling parameters. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Santos-Ruiz, I., López-Estrada, F.R., Puig, V. and Valencia-Palomo, G., 2020. Simultaneous optimal estimation of roughness and minor loss coefficients in a pipeline. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 25(3), p.56.

López-Estrada, F.R., Santos-Estudillo, O., Valencia-Palomo, G., Gómez-Peñate, S. and Hernandez-Gutiérrez, C., 2020. Robust qLPV Tracking Fault-Tolerant Control of a 3 DOF Mechanical Crane. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 25(3), p.48.

Bermúdez, J.R., López-Estrada, F.R., Besançon, G., Torres, L. and Santos-Ruiz, I., 2020, July. Leak-Diagnosis Approach for Water Distribution Networks based on a k-NN Classification Algorithm. In 21st IFAC World Congress 2020.

López-Estrada, F.R., Valencia-Palomo, G., Montaño, J., Colunga, G., Dominguez-Zenteno, J. 2020. Sistemas de diagnósticos de fallos en vehículos aéreos no tripulados. DYNA Ingenieria e Industria, 95(4), p.352.

Enríquez‐Zárate, J., Valencia‐Palomo, G., López‐Estrada, F.R., Silva‐Navarro, G. and Hoyo‐Montaño, J.A., 2020. Efficient predictive vibration control of a building‐like structure. Asian Journal of Control, 22(4), pp.1411-1421.

Torres, L., Jiménez-Cabas, J., González, O. and López-Estrada, L.M., 2020. Kalman filters for leak diagnosis in pipelines: Brief history and future research. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(3), p.173.

Santos-Ruiz, I., Blesa, J., Puig, V. and López-Estrada, F.R., 2020. Leak localization in water distribution networks using classifiers with cosenoidal features. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), pp.16697-16702.


Guerrero-Sánchez, M. E., Hernández-González, O., Lozano, R., García-Beltrán, C. D., Valencia-Palomo, G., & López-Estrada, F. R. 2019. Energy-Based Control and LMI-Based Control for a Quadrotor Transporting a Payload. Mathematics, 7(11), 1090.

López-Estrada, F. R., Rotondo, D., & Valencia-Palomo, G, 2019. A review of convex approaches for control, observation and safety of linear parameter varying and Takagi-Sugeno systems. Processes, 7(11), 814.

Santos-Ruiz, I., López-Estrada, F. R., Puig, V., & Blesa, J., 2019. Estimation of node pressures in water distribution networks by Gaussian process regression. 2019 4th Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems (SysTol) (pp. 50-55). IEEE.

Pereyra-Pitta, F.J., Valencia-Palomo, G., Cázarez-Castro, N.R., López-Estrada, F.R. and González-Contreras, B.M., 2019. Implementation of a Distributed Optimal Predictive Control in a Quadruple Tank System. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 17(01), pp.135-146.

Guzmán-Rabasa, J.A., López-Estrada, F.R., González-Contreras, B.M., Valencia-Palomo, G., Chadli, M. and Pérez-Patricio, M., 2019. Actuator fault detection and isolation on a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle modeled as a linear parameter-varying system. Measurement and Control, p.0020294018824764.

Martínez-García, C., Astorga-Zaragoza, C., Puig, V., Reyes-Reyes, J. and López-Estrada, F., 2019. A simple nonlinear observer for state and unknown input estimation: DC motor applications. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.

F. R. López-Estrada, D. Theilliol, C. M. Astorga-Zaragoza, J. C. Ponsart, G. Valencia-Palomon, & J. Camas-Anzueto. Fault diagnosis observer for descriptor Takagi-Sugeno systems. Neurocomputing (IN PRESS), DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.11.055​

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​Santos-Ruiz, I. Bermúdez, J. R., López-Estrada, F. R., Puig, V., Torres, L., & Delgado-Aguiñaga, J. A. (2018). Online leak diagnosis in pipelines using an EKF-based and steady-state mixed approach. Control Engineering Practice, 81, 55-64.

Gutiérrez-Urquídez, Rosalia, Valencia-Palomo, Guillermo, Rodríguez-Elías Oscar,  López-Estrada, Francisco Ronay and  Orrante-Sakanassi, Jorge, (2018). On the Selection of Tuning Parameters in Predictive Controllers Based on NSGA-II. Book Chapter in  Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization, Springer.  

B. Gonzáles-Contreras, G. L. Osorio-Gordillo, F. R. López-Estrada, G. Valencia Palomo, & C. M. Astorga-Zaragoza. Using the second-order information for reconfigurability analysis and design in the fault tolerant framework. Automatika (In Press).

 F. R.  López Estrada, C. M. Astorga Zaragoza, Guillermo Valencia Palomo, C. Galicia González, C. Rios Rojas & E. Escobar Gómez (2018). Observer-based LPV stabilization system for a riderless bicycle.  IEEE LatinoAmerica Transactions, vol. 16, No. 4, pp 1076-1083.

Ildeberto Santos-Ruiz,  Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada,  Vicenç Puig, Esvan Pérez-Pérez, Jesús Mina and Guillermo Valencia-Palomo, (2018). Diagnosis of Fluid Leaks in Pipelines Using Dynamic PCA .   10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFESPROCESS)--Accepted.

Javier Jimenez, Lizeth Torres, Marco Sanjuan, Francisco-Ronay López Estrada and Elena Romero, (2018). Localization of Leaks in Water Distribution Networks using Flow Readings.   10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision, and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFESPROCESS)--Accepted.  

S. Gómez-Peñate, F. R. López-Estrada, G. Valencia-Palomo,  R. Osornio-Rios, C. Rios-Rojas, and J. Camas-Anzueto , (2017). Sensor Fault Diagnosis Observer for an Electric Vehicle Modeled as a Takagi-Sugeno System​. Journal of Sensors (in Press).  

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López-Estrada, F.R, Astorga-Zargoza, C. M.,Theilliol, D., Ponsart ,J.C, Valencia-Palomo, G, Torrez, L, (2017). Observer synthesis for a class of Takagi–Sugeno descriptor system with unmeasurable premise variable. Application to fault diagnosis. International Journal of System Science, 48(16), pp: 3419-3430.

G. Valencia-Palomo, F. R. López-Estrada, C. García-Beltrán & J. Hoyo-Montaño, (2017). ​ An Improved Move-Blocking Strategy in Predictive Control for Setpoint Tracking. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 15(45).

J.L. Camas-Anzueto, J. Gómez-Pérez, R. Meza-Gordillo, G. Anzueto-Sánchez, M. Pérez-Patricio,  F.R. López-Estrada, (2017)

Measurement of the viscosity of biodiesel by using an optical viscometer. Flow Measurement & Instrumentation, Volume 54, April 2017, Pages 82-87, ISSN 0955-5986

Torres, L., Gómez-Aguilar, J.F., Jiménez, J., Mendoza, E., López-Estrada, F.R. and Escobar-Jiménez, R.F., (2017). Parameter identification of periodical signals: Application to measurement and analysis of ocean wave forces. Digital Signal Processing, 69, pp.59-69.

J. Jiménez-Cabas, L. Torres, F. R. López-Estrada and M. Sanjuan, (2017.) Leak diagnosis in pipelines by only using flow measurements, IEEE 3rd Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC), Cartagena, 2017, pp. 1-6.

López-Estrada, F.R., Hénandez-de-León, H., Estrada-Manzo, V, and Bernal, M., (2017). LMI-based fault detection and isolation of nonlinear descriptor systems.  IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 

Bermúdez, J.R., Santos-Ruiz, I., López-Estrada, F.R., Torres, L. and Puig, V., (2017) Diseno y modelado dinámico de una planta piloto para detección de fugas hidráulicas. Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, Monterrey Nvo. León, México. 

Gómez-Penate, S., Zepeda-Hernández, J.A., López-Estrada, F.R., Osornio-Rıos, R., Rıos-Rojas, C., del Rıo, J. and Moctezuma, R., (2017), Diseno de un observador Takagi-Sugeno aplicado a un vehıculo eléctrico. Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, Monterrey Nvo. León, México. 

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Guzman-Rabasa, J, Bermudez- Hernández, J. R, López-Estrada, F.R., Torres, L., Valencia-Palomo, G,, and  Zepeda-Hernández, J , (2015). Sistema de diagnóstico de fallas para una tubería basado en observadores de estado quasi-LPV, Congreso Nacional de Control Automático. 

Ortiz-Torres, G., Lopez-Estrada, F.R., Reyes-Reyes, J., García-Beltrán, C.D. and Theilliol, D., (2016). An actuator fault detection and isolation method design for planar vertical take-off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle modelled as a qLPV system. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(5), pp.272-277.

D. Rotondo, F. R.López-Estrada, F. Nejjari, J-C. Ponsart,  Didier Theilliol,  and Vicenç Puig, (2016). Actuator multiplicative fault estimation in discrete-time LPV systems using switched observers. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 353(13), pp. 3176-3191. 

F. R.López-Estrada, J-C. Ponsart, Didier Theilliol, Y. Zhang, and C. M. Astorga-zaragoza, (2015). ​Robust Sensor Fault Diagnosis and Tracking Controller for a UAV Modelled as LPV System. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, pp 1-15.

F.R. López-Estrada, J.C. Ponsart, C. M. Astorga-Zaragoza and D. Theilliol, (2015). ​H − /H ∞ index Robust Fault Detection Observer for Descriptor-LPV Systems with Unmeasurable Gain Scheduling Functions. International Journal of Control, 88(11), pp. 2380-2391.

F. R. López-Estrada, J. C. Ponsart, D.  Theilliol, and C. M. Astorga-Zaragoza (2015). ​Robust Sensor Fault Estimation for Descriptor-LPV Systems with Unmeasurable Gain Scheduling Functions: Application to an Anaerobic-Bioreactor. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS), 25 (2).

Lopez-Estrada, F.R., Ponsart, J.C., Theilliol, D., Astorga-Zaragoza, C.M. and Flores-Montiel, M., (2015). Robust state and fault estimation observer for discrete-time D-LPV systems with unmeasurable gain scheduling functions. Application to a binary distillation column. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(21), pp.1012-1017.

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